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Recent Development

Research highlights


Sriganya Kampanthong from KMUTT is preparing her wood samples for X-ray microtomography experiment, to see what would happen with the wood when an oil drops in.

Recent Development

XTM is developing the monochromatic X-ray beam mode.  XTM team has recently installed a new double crystal monochromator (DCM) aiming for elemental-specific analysis. With double pair of Ge (111) crystals, the DCM will be able to tune the wavelength to allow the use monochromatic x-ray beam in a range of 5 - 15 keV.  

The DCM commission is in progress. The recent calibration of DCM showed that the DCM produced the x-ray beam at 6 keV with approx. 2e10 photon/sec/0.1%BW. The data acquisition system is under optimization.  

XTM workshops

Every year rounds, the XTM team launches two learning programs i.e. 1) ASEAN Workshop and  2) Crash course on data analysis.  These programs aims to give user experience before their beamtime and improve the skills on post-data analysis after their beamtime, respectively.  The ASEAN workshop is open to ASEAN countries that are interested in applying SRXTM in their research.  The users will have opportunity to learn the fundamental of x-ray tomography and also hands-on experiments.   In contrast, the crash course is suitable for the experienced users that requires to develope their skill to manipulate theire tomographic data such as analysis and 3D visualization.  Both programs are held at SLRI unless otherwise stated.  The programs will be announced on

XTM workshops

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